Tuesday, October 5, 2021

My review of Taken by K.K. Allen

 This is the third book in the series but I don't think we've seen the end of these characters!

Katrina Summer thought she lost the love of her life and has decided it's time to move on when everything changes and now she is having to try and figure out what to do with her life.

When Erebus comes back to town she must figure out how to defeat him with the help of those around her before he takes anyone else from her life.

This series has been amazing and I love that this author has managed to successfully tackle another genre and leave me wanting more! This is an author that I truly love and to get sucked into this other world has been nothing short of amazing and leaves me wanting more!

Katrina is such a great character who is coming to terms with who she is and still learning more about everything that has been kept from her in order to protect her. Yet she is also really evolving in this book and is taking what she has seen and is able to use it to protect those she loves. Yet at the same time there isn't anything that she wouldn't do to protect those she loves.

It was good to learn more about Johnny and what he saw while he was away. In this book he has really begun to figure out what he wants from life and how he is going to prove himself and that he will not run. 

There were a few characters in this book that had my jaw on the ground and I was happy with how it was done as it didn't seem totally crazy! 

The end made me super nervous with the battle that everyone had with Erebus and I was curious to see how it was going to go which makes me think that there is more to come. 

The very end made me sad with what we lost but I am happy with what is possibly to come!

I can't wait for more!! 

5 Stars

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