Sunday, April 10, 2016

Fresh Peach Margarita

I've made a decision to start using the alcohol in my house before I start buying anymore. I kind of feel like one of those hoarders with the amount of alcohol I have with at least 10 different types of vodka alone.

So in my conscious effort to use up what I have I decided to make margaritas! But I wanted fruit ones so I checked on pinterest and found a recipe for peach ones. Peaches aren't quite in season yet but I still found some ripe ones although I look forward to trying again in the summer.

So I read over the recipe and then decided to alter it to me being lazy. I made the peach puree but then instead of mixing everything in the shaker I mixed it in the blender. So I added the ingredients to match the amount of puree I had (around 2 cups) then mixed everything into the blender and blended it up. I poured myself one and found it was really good but not cold enough so the second one I added ice into as well.

The great thing is that it made enough that I was able to drink it over a week with keeping the blender cup in the fridge and if I wanted a margarita at night I could!

Great drink and I loved the fresh fruit!

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