Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Quill Wicked Throttle MC #3 by Esther E Schmidt

Title: “Quill”
Series: Wicked Throttle MC #3
Author: Esther E. Schmidt
Cover Design: Esther E. Schmidt
Cover model: Andre D'Cruz
Photographer: James Critchley Photography
Release: July 30, 2019 Buy links:

There’s a legend amongst members of the Wicked Throttle MC. Something that’s rooted deep into their DNA. Once a soul finds its other half, there is no going back. Only one option; Love and claim at first sight.

The danger lurking at every turn in her life has left Adley alone and on the run. That is until a certain biker finally tracked her down and is determined to help her.

Quill can’t get the woman who he couldn’t hold onto out of his head and heart. Dead set to pull her out of the danger she’s wrapped in, he stumbles into a web where not only Adley, but others are tangled in as well. Can they take one day at a time to explore their connection and save those around them? Or will a shift of direction spiral into a lost chance in love and life?

Quill can be read as a HEA standalone but does have a cliffhanger involving the next character (book four in this series). For a greater reading experience, recommended reading order:
FREE!! books2read.com/Corban books2read.com/Zerox books2read.com/Barlow books2read.com/Quill

Add to goodreads: goodreads.com/book/show/46815513-quill

Catching Sin by J. Saman

Today we have the blog tour for J. Saman’s Catching Sin! We are so excited about this fantastic release—check it out and be sure to grab your copy today!

Title: Catching Sin

Author: J. Saman

Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult, Suspense

About Catching Sin:

Maddox must be willing to risk his life if he wants to save mine.   I was under the devil’s thumb with no end in sight. A play thing. A toy. A treasure easily forgotten. Until Maddox Sinclair stepped into my club and made me promises even my tattered heart couldn’t refuse. Sexy, arrogant, strong and brave, he fears no one and fights for everyone. I should know better than to trust him. Half the time we want to rip each other’s clothes off. The other half we’re at each other’s necks. But my devil isn’t easily thwarted. He started this game with a master plan–one that makes me his ultimate pawn. Deals have been made. Lives are at stake. And when he finally comes for me, there is no escape.

Grab Your Copy Today:

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About the Author:

J. Saman loves all types of novels, but finds herself always going back to writing/reading romances. She's addicted to Diet Coke and sour candy, and swears way too much. She's an admitted lover of picking at old wounds, second chance romances, love triangles and the perfect amount of angst . She writes smart, strong women and sexy alpha (slightly nerdy) men who have a softer side.

Connect with J. Saman:

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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Healthy Mango Strawberry Smoothie

I am trying to get healthy again so I have incorporated morning smoothies back into our regime in hopes that this will help with getting our bodies back on track.  I know that this will be a huge undertaking to find out which smoothies are popular with each child and I really don't know if I am looking forward to this!

Part of the struggle is that the kids are definitely opposite on what is sweet enough for them and just willingness to try.

I believed this was going to be safe choice. Now a slight issue is that I am making this way before fruit is in season even though it is coming out at the height of fresh fruit. My bad! Anyhow, in my opinion the strawberries are not sweet enough yet and lack some flavour that you find in summer.

So the morning I made these I was missing two ingredients - almond milk and blueberries so I added skim milk instead and then I added a little bit of agave due to the berries not being sweet enough yet.

This worked great for the kids and it is one I will definitely make again!


Friday, July 26, 2019

On Vacation

Please note I am on vacation for a couple of lacrosse tournaments and will be back on August 7th!!

Thanks for your patience!

Promise to Darkness by Bec McMasters

Today we have the cover reveal for PROMISE OF DARKNESS by Bec McMasters! Check it out and be sure to pre-order your copy today!


Author: Bec McMasters

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Blitz: September 17th

About Promise of Darkness:

Princess. Tribute. Sacrifice. Is she the one prophesied to unite two warring Fae courts? Or the one bound to destroy them? In a realm ruled by magic, the ruthless Queen of Thorns is determined to destroy her nemesis, the cursed Prince of Evernight. With war brewing between the bitter enemies, the prince forces Queen Adaia to uphold an ancient treaty: she will send one of her daughters to his court as a political hostage for three months. The queen insists it’s the perfect opportunity for Princess Iskvien to end the war before it begins. But one look into Thiago’s smoldering eyes and Vi knows she’s no assassin. The more secrets she uncovers about the prince and his court, the more she begins to question her mother’s motives. Who is the true enemy? The dark prince who threatens her heart? Or the ruthless queen who will stop at nothing to destroy him? And when the curse threatens to shatter both courts, is her heart strong enough to break it? A fairytale twist inspired by the Hades and Persephone myth.

Pre-Order Your Copy Today:


About Bec McMasters:

I'm a writer. Dreamer. Travel Addict. And enthusiastic-if-not-perfect baker. I'll honestly admit that I don't always follow the recipe, be it cooking, or writing romances. If I'm not sitting in front of the computer, I'm probably plotting my next world trip. Or eating chocolate. Sometimes I run. Because...chocolate. I grew up on a steady diet of 80's fantasy movies like Ladyhawke, Labyrinth and The Princess Bride, and love creating epic, fantasy-based worlds with heroes and heroines who must defeat all the odds to have their HEA. I live in a country town in Australia, with my very own beta hero, Byron; Kobe, a dog who will eat anything (even used teabags); and demanding chickens, Siggy and Lagertha.  

Connect with Bec:

Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Goodreads| Website

Refrain by Anne Mercier

Title: Refrain
Series: Rockstar #16
Author: Anne Mercier
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 22, 2019


As a child, I trusted no one.
Then I found my best friends.
They gave me a family and saved me from a life of abuse that still has me messed up.

Then one of those best friends captured my heart.
Lincoln, tough yet tender, a walking contradiction.
He loves me too—flaws and all.
He’s the most patient man on the earth and understands my PTSD.

What he doesn’t understand is why our being intimate makes me feel “dirty”.
He’s not one of the men who abused me and he’d never hurt me. I know this. I believe it.
Still, the “dirty” creeps in even though I know what we do together is anything but.

He’s here now and he’s going to stay.
It’s time for me to talk to someone professionally.
I need to shed my unhealthy past in order to have a healthy future with the man I love.
If I don’t, I just might lose the best thing that’s ever happened to me—and there’s not enough therapy in the world to get me through that.

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$2.99 for a limited time!!


Free in Kindle Unlimited


Unedited Refrain Excerpt
©2019 Anne Mercier

I’m hopeful for a world with more
love, acceptance, and compassion for others.
Lily Aldridge

“Uncle Linc?” Kadi prompts.
“Yeah, darlin’?”
“You remember the day I wanted to ask you a question, but you had to go training with Jabber Jaws?”
I laugh out loud. Best nickname ever. Jabs is gonna never live this one down.
“I remember.”
“Can I ask them now?”
“Sure. Do you want to go in another room?”
Kadi tilts her head, considering. “No. I think here is okay.”
She takes a seat across from me at the breakfast table. The table is no more than a very long picnic table with long moveable benches.
“Ask away, Tiny Dancer.”
She smiles at that. The kid’s barely seven and she dances like a pro.
“The other day, I saw you and Uncle Ethan kissing.” She quickly turns to her dad, Jace, and says, “I swear I wasn’t spying.”
Jace nods an okay and, holy fuck, just what has that girl seen? More than a few of us shift uncomfortably.
“Mommy Summer says you’re only supposed kiss like that if you love someone a whole lot.”
Oh hell.
“Do you love Uncle Ethan a whole lot?”
Well, fuck me sideways. Except for Ethan choking on a bite of waffle, not a sound can be heard. We haven’t even had much of a discussion. I pat him on the back, so he doesn’t choke. We just got used to saying, “I love you”. It’s not awkward or weird. Why would it be? We’ve been in love with each other for years, though we didn’t say it much until I moved here. I don’t know why.
Maybe just in case we’d never be together.
I run a hand over my face and chuckle. “Nothing like putting your Uncle Linc on the spot, huh?”
She just stares at me. Waiting for an answer.
“Of course I love Ethan a whole lot.”
“Like, love like you love Jesse or love-love like Daddy loves Summer?”
I give Jace a glance and he’s over there grinning like the tool he is. I point at him. He’s just been put on notice.
“Definitely love-love,” I tell her, looking at Ethan and giving him a wink. He’s next to me nervous as fuck, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. I hope the wink set him at ease. He hates being in the spotlight.
“So… how does that work? Can two boys get married?” she asks.
“Lord have mercy on my soul, this kid,” I mumble as I drop my forehead to the table and roll it back and forth.
She pushes my head up with her tiny hands, pulling my skin and hair back. Jace laughs out loud and Summer coughs to cover hers. The rest of the family, well, they’re trying not to be loud, but I can hear them laughing.
I sit up and look down the table at them. “At least Summer had the decency to try to hide her laugh. Fuckers.”
Kadi looks at me with dollar signs in her eyes, and I point at her.
“No way, kid. That’s a freebie. You’re asking me some pretty hard questions here. I get some freebies,” I tell her.
She shrugs. “But you didn’t answer.”
“Yes, two men can get married. They just adjusted the law a few years ago,” I tell her.
She climbs up onto the table top and sits cross-legged in front of me. Just staring. I don’t want to know what’s coming next. This kid kinda scares me.
“If you love Ethan a whole lot and he loves you a whole lot, why aren’t you married?” Kadi asks with a smile.
Ethan spits his juice out and it hits Jace in the face. Serves the fucker right for letting his girl keep on like she is.
“Aren’t you just full of questions today,” Lucy asks with a snicker.
Kadi nods, but it wasn’t even a question. She’s the one who has all the questions.
“Kadi, we just haven’t talked about getting married yet.”
“Well, why not if you’re in love? Weddings are romantic. I could be your Best Girl—you know, instead of a best man.”
I can’t help but laugh. She’s relentless. “When the time comes, Tiny Dancer, you’ll be my Best Girl. I promise.”
Ethan’s still choking on the juice he swallowed wrong at the word “married” so I pat him on the back.
Who can blame him? I’ve been keeping things to myself, keeping him at a distance, and he really has no clue how I feel about things, about the future. For that matter, neither do I. Looks like we’ll have to have a talk later.
Kadi looks at me with a twinkle in her eye.
“What about babies?”
“Fuck this. I’m outta here,” I mutter, getting up and leaving the kitchen. I hear everyone laughing behind me. I turn and meet Ethan’s gaze. He’s smirking in that sexy way he does, and I smile back.
“That’s a freebie, Kadi,” he tells her, and I send him a wink before I head to the gym.
Holy fucking hell. Everyone’s worried about Kiki aka the She-Devil. Not me. Hell no. I’m more worried about Kadi the Inquisitor. That kid. She’s going to be the death of me. I know it.

Also Available


All free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Anne Mercier is the International Bestselling author of the Rockstar, Truths, Forbidden Fantasies, The Way series, and the Kiss duet. She writes adult contemporary romance, new adult contemporary romance, and mature young adult romance. She was born and raised in Wisconsin and still lives there today. 

When Anne’s not writing she enjoys reading amazing books, listening to music, keeping up on all things Avenged Sevenfold and Milo Ventimiglia, chatting with readers and friends, and binging Netflix series.

Author Links

Assassin's Prey by Ella Sheridan

Title: Assassin's Prey
Series: Assassins #3
Author: Ella Sheridan
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: July 22, 2019


I killed my first man at the age of twelve. I've been killing ever since. I thought it was all I lived for…until Abby. Until the woman I'd kidnapped became the woman I couldn't walk away from.

She owns a piece of me I wouldn't take back, but the rest? The only way to protect her is to hold back the parts inside me that are too ugly to ever reveal. I'll keep her safe, even from me.

And it works. We have the nights, and I hunt my way through the days. Alone.

Until an attack reveals a threat we didn't see coming. One that could take away the dream I didn't realize I had.

Everything. With her.

I'm on the hunt of my life. My prey might run, but in this fight—for her, for us—they don't stand a chance. 

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“We need to talk.”

I hated how everything that came out of my mouth sounded like I was barking orders. Some pansy-ass prince charming could probably soothe her, croon in her ear; I sounded like a drill sergeant whipping her into shape.

Abby ignored the demand and dug into her clothes. When she pulled out a pair of panties, a growl ripped from my chest.

“Save it, Levi.”

I pushed to my feet. “Ignoring what happened won’t make it go away. We have to deal—”

“What if I don’t want to?” she snapped. Pajama bottoms came out next. “Maybe I just want to live in a fantasy world for one night. Reality is calling insurance companies and finding a new place to live. Reality is knowing someone hates me enough to bomb my house, and that you don’t love me. Why would I want to face all that?”

She stood up, her pajamas gripped tight in one hand. Every line of her body rejected me, but I couldn’t let it go. I couldn’t let her go on believing…

“I never said I don’t love you.”

Abby scoffed. “You never said you do, either. You never said you want to build a life together. You never said you wanted a future.”

Because a man like me doesn’t have a future. “I’m an assassin,” I pointed out. “I kill people for a living. What kind of future is that?”

Abby refused to look at me. “Exactly. No future.”

Also Available

FREE prequel!!



Coming Soon

Releases August 26


Author Bio

Ella Sheridan never fails to take her readers to the dark edges of love and back again. Strong heroines are her signature, and her heroes span the gamut from hot rock stars to alpha bodyguards and everywhere in between. Ella never pulls her punches, and her unique combination of raw emotion, hot sex, and action leave her readers panting for the next release.

Born and raised in the Deep South, Ella writes romantic suspense, erotic romance, and hot BDSM contemporaries. Start anywhere—every book may be read as a standalone, or begin with book one in any series and watch the ties between the characters grow.

★ Anything can happen in the shadows of a sultry Southern night. Explore the heat with the SOUTHERN NIGHTS romantic suspense series.
★ Secrets and sex abound in the SECRETS TO HIDE contemporary romance series.
★ Dark desires come to the fore in IF ONLY, a BDSM contemporary series.

“The perfect blend of suspense and romance.” – Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

“Ms. Sheridan writes suspense that grabs you and won't let go.” – Tea and Book

“The perfect kind of naughty…with [characters] that have great chemistry.” – Alpha Book Club

“A great plot, likable characters, witty banter, and seductively wicked love scenes—the perfect recipe!” – Blogging by Liza

Don't miss a release! Sign up for Ella’s newsletter to find out about new releases and sales: ellasheridanauthor.com

Author Links


The Road to Redemption by D.M. Davis

Title: The Road to Redemption
Series: Finding Grace #1
Author: D.M. Davis
Genre: Contemporary meets 
Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Release Date: July 26, 2019


When Life put them together, the Universe noticed. What they didn't know is that they were made for each other. Literally.

My ex broke me, or so I thought. I'd shut down, given up. But my past doesn't seem so bleak when the woman I've only seen in my dreams walks into my usual coffee shop, jump-starting my heart and giving my soul a desperately needed punch to the gut.

She's damaged goods. But not in the way you're thinking.
Life broke her.
…And I'm here to kiss it and make it all better.

She's my queen. My redemption. My second chance at forever.

He's gorgeous beyond words. Why he’s attracted to me when no one else is, is unfathomable. And yet, he is.
He's Mount Everest, and my climbing legs are broken.  
I'm broken. Always have been. Always will be.

I'm drawn to him like the universe demands it. He accepts it as truth. I know better, and when he figures it out, I'll be decimated.

I want redemption, but it's a painful road to travel. I'll have to face my demons.
…And apparently, he wants to fight them with me.

All journeys have a beginning. This is Theo and Lauren's...
The Road to Redemption, book 1 in the Finding Grace Series, is a steamy romance with a paranormal twist that grows as the series progresses. It is intended for mature audiences only, and some scenes may contain triggers.

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Author Bio

D.M. Davis is a Contemporary and New Adult Romance Author.

She is a Texas native, wife, and mother. Her background is Project Management, technical writing, and application development. D.M. has been a lifelong reader, and wrote poetry in her early life, but has found her true passion in writing about love and the intricate relationships between men and women.

She writes of broken hearts and second chances, of dreamers looking for more than they have and daring to reach for it.

D.M. believes it is never too late to make a change in your own life, to become the person you always wanted to be, but were afraid you were not worth the effort. You are worth it. Take a chance on you. You never know what’s possible if you don’t try. Believe in yourself as you believe in others, and see what life has to offer.

She is currently working on two series of romance novels: Until You and Finding Grace.

Author Links

Ricca 99c Limited time

*** RICCA: 99c eBOOK SALE *** Ricca (In Loyalty Lies Trust) by Esther E. Schmidt
(99c ebook sale ends August 5, 2019. Normal price $3.50)

Chiara was raised into the mafia world the hard way. Enduring the assault at the hands of her father until she was kidnapped and forced to marry a mob boss. One she’s sure is even worse than her father.

Ricca never backs away from a challenge. When the woman he kidnapped sneers he would never own her, he’s more than happy to prove her wrong. It doesn’t matter he is being forced into this marriage by The Syndicate, to cover-up the kidnapping.

An enemy is forging a plan to take Ricca down. Can a marriage, even one forced by the decision of others, turn into a solid band of trust, loyalty, and eventually love? Or will either one—or their enemy—rip out their heart to stop it from beating? Dive into this Mafia Romance where the value of human life is worth less than loyalty.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

My review of Defying Gravity by K.K. Allen

Three years ago Amelia Clark was involved with Tobias James but when he gets a chance to play in the NBA, Amelia pushes him away and breaks his heart. Slowly the two drift away especially when Amelia's own dreams come into question.

Yet love has a funny way of turning things around and when Amelia and Tobias end up in the same town can they find a way of working everything out. Yet when there are certain "rules" in place will Tobias and Amelia have to chose once again between love and their own dreams and goals?

This is another great book by the author about finding love and trying to find the balance between accomplishing your own dreams and that once in a lifetime kind of love.

I must admit that I was sad that Amelia split with Tobias at the beginning as he really wanted to give their love a shot and she didn't. My heart broke for what she went through in following her dreams and the way she was treated. The stuff she went through was awful and I think it is evident of the way society still is in a certain way.

Tobias was completely in love with Amelia and never wanted to lose her but at a certain point he realizes that he may actually cost her the dreams she's been after and has to make a tough choice. I understood why he did what he did but I was still sad at the whole thing!

Through the book there is also questions about the revelation that Tobias was adopted and how he can't get any information on it. I was sad about his mother and then totally surprised with everything we learn about his father. I definitely was not expecting that and I was mad for sure at the secrets that were revealed.

I loved the end with Amelia and how she made the choice that she wanted and how it was all on her terms and it was really perfect!!

The epilogue was awesome and I can't wait for more from the author!!

4.5 Stars

The Kiss Me Series by Emma Hart


The Kiss Me Series, an all-new hilarious series of standalones from New York Times bestselling author Emma Hart is coming August 27th and we have the fresh and fun covers!

Kiss Me Not

Releasing August 27th

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Let me make this clear right here, right now: I, Halley Dawson, do not care that Preston Wright is kissing other women.

Not a lick. Not at all. Nuh-uh-freakin’-uh.

I do care that he’s doing it six feet away from me behind a gaudy velvet curtain—making him my competition in this year’s kissing contest.

Why do I care, you ask? Because I’ve had an unfortunate crush on the insufferable idiot since I was sixteen years old, but I also know it’s never going to happen.

He’s the Creek Falls bachelor to die for, and I’m the Creek Falls racoon lady who puts peanut butter sandwiches out for them every night.

I’m not going to let him break my four-year-long reign—no matter how many times he breaks the rules and slides the curtain across to do the one thing he’s not allowed to:

Kiss me.


Pre-order your copy today!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wq22jD

AppleBooks: https://apple.co/2VZW8QH

Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/KissMeNot

Nook: http://bit.ly/2QFpPWh

Kobo: http://bit.ly/2JMUDng

Kiss Me Tonight

Releasing September 24th


What do a wrong number text, a burning building, and a quirky florist have in common?

A hunky firefighter with an extra-large…hosepipe.

In hindsight, I never should have opened that text message. The last thing I needed first thing on a Monday was a picture of some stranger’s, um, eggplant, in my inbox.

I also should have replaced the batteries in my fire alarm, because my Friday night did not need to end with my apartment building going up in flames.

But it’s fine. It’s fine. Everything is fine.

I’m only lying in a hospital bed with more split ends than I’ve ever had, almost all my Earthly possessions have turned to ash, and apparently, they don’t serve wine to patients in this place.

But like I said, it’s fine.

Until he walks in.

The guy who saved my life. My hero. Noah Jacobs.

And the universe is amusing itself at my expense, because the dirty photo I woke up to on Monday?

It’s his.

Pre-order your copy today!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2IYsOqw

AppleBooks: https://apple.co/2XwekGv

Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/KissMTonight

Nook: http://bit.ly/2YrDJhO

Kobo: http://bit.ly/2IZe1M9

Kiss Me Again

Releasing October 22nd


WANTED: ROOMMATE. Must be tidy, polite, and absolutely not my brother’s hot as sin best friend.

I have no idea why I said yes.

Maybe I’d had one too many wines. Maybe I’d done it accidentally. Maybe I’d been sleep-texting.

One thing I know for sure is this: I absolutely do not want Ethan Hawkins in my apartment, up in my business, taking over my space.

Yet he’s here. Moving his stuff into my spare bedroom. Sending a wave of panty-melting, musky man-scent my way every time he walks past me.

Here’s the thing.

We don’t get along—at all. We never have, and I don’t think we’re going to start now that we’re under one roof.

There’s also that little issue where I’m kinda, sorta, totally in love with him…


Pre-order your copy today!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2SBLfnQ

AppleBooks: https://apple.co/2RLhuR3

Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/KissMeAgainEH

Nook: http://bit.ly/3036OQZ

Kobo: http://bit.ly/2Ji7gUH

About Emma Hart

Emma Hart is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over thirty novels and has been translated into several different languages.

She is a mother, wife, lover of wine, Pink Goddess, and valiant rescuer of wild baby hedgehogs.

Emma prides herself on her realistic, snarky smut, with comebacks that would make a PMS-ing teenage girl proud.

Yes, really. She's that sarcastic.


Connect with Emma

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmmaHartBooks/

BookBub: http://bit.ly/2Dr0atq

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2Dq42ez

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2EBbZNe

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2D91d3T

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emmahartauthor/

Stay up to date with Emma by joining her mailing list: https://www.emmahart.org/newsletter

Website: https://www.emmahart.org/home