Tuesday, April 30, 2019

My April Favorites

I have decided to try and start something new at the end of every month with my favorite things from this month. I am one of the least fashionable people out there and never wear makeup but I figured maybe I could slowly start giving certain things a try and pushing my own boundaries!

I am not sponsored by anyone so this is all of just things that I have found lately that I love and want to share that will all of you!

So I have decided to break it down into 6 different sections and hopefully I am able to find something new every month!

1) Food - Hello Fresh

I received a free trial of Hello Fresh and absolutely loved it!! I love the variety and the way you can find something that works for you. The meat is all organic and everything comes in a brown compostable bag that you can throw all of your waste into. There was no waste after making the food and we all loved the different meals and we got to try something new all the time.

If you live in Canada shoot me a message as I have some free weeks that I would love to give away.

Websites are as follows:

2) Product - Fab Fit Fun

I received some birthday/Christmas money a while back and decided to treat myself to something new and unique. I had been seeing all of these people with these super cool boxes so I decided to give them a try! 

I saved up and was able to purchase a year which allows me to customize certain products so you can get a few things that you really want over other things. I love this and some of the items have been really cool. 

Below is my last box and as you can see there is a bit of everything which I really enjoy. I don't treat myself to much so I love these boxes when they come in.

I do have free starter boxes I can send out so message me if you are interested!

3) Alcohol - Modello delle Venezie Refosco & Merlot 2016 (Masi)

Having a glass of wine at night is a huge treat for me after a long day! I may only get a couple of glasses in a week but I treasure those moments!

This was a really good red that I found that was so full of flavour and smooth tasting. I love red wines and I like trying new ones but I am finding there are certain countries that I seem to enjoy more than others! 

4) Book - Spin by KJ Farnham

I picked up this book almost as a favor to someone I review for as she needed more readers and I thought it looked super intersting. 

This book was amazing and took me through such an emotional journey that left me heartbroken, angry and a few times happy. 

It is about a teen girl who goes missing and the story talks about her last three months that led up to her disappearance and it also goes into the views of some of her friends and family to see what they thought leading up to everything and how they are currently dealing with everything. 

The book is such an emotional one and it will touch all teens and especially all of the mothers out there.

5) Movie - The Miracle Season

Both of my kids are heavily active in sports which leaves me with limited time and right now is box lacrosse season which is by far our craziest time. So, I have a special connection to sports movies and especially movies based on true events.

My daughter watched this one first and then told me that I needed to watch it. All I can say is to make sure that your box of kleenex is right beside you. OMG - the tears that came pouring out of my eyes as my daughter just stared at me as I yelled at her - "You're not a mom - you don't understand!".

Helen Hunt was outstanding as the coach and all of the girls who played in this Volleyball team were so great. My heart broke for Line's family and I truly loved how at the end of the book they were there for everything! 

Just so amazing and really pulls at your heart strings. I related the movie to my daughter's Team BC lacrosse team as it is a group of girls who will play together for the next 5 years. 

Absolutely awesome and I highly recommend as long as the kleenex are close by.

6) Song - Be Alright by Dean Lewis and Walk Me Home by Pink

So I started off the month listening to Be Alright over and over again and then towards the end of the month Walk Me Home came out and I knew I couldn't decide which one I liked better. So I have given you both of them!!

Be Alright just pulled at my heart strings and it actually gave me hope that one day I will find the love that I was meant to find and just to be patient. The kids both sing this song at the top of their lungs when it comes out on the radio. I also love the accent coming thru on the song and it adds that extra little bit of "sexiness" to the song! 

Walk Me Home is just another incredible Pink song. She is one of my favorite artists and her words just resonate deep with this one. I can listen to this one over and over and the video is absolutely incredible and shows her vision is so incredible! 

Well, that's the end of my April finds and I'd love to hear from you on what you have discovered this month and what you recommend!!

Finding Beauty (The Beauty Trilogy #1) by Raven Scott

Finding Beauty (The Beauty Trilogy #1) by Raven Scott
Publisher: Knox Publishing
Photographer: Melissa Deanching
Model: Elizabeth Knox
Cover Designer: Jay Aheer, Simply Defined Art

Throughout my life I've always had a confident demeanor, especially when it comes to my work. However, looks can be deceiving. Just like many other women, I'm painfully insecure about myself.
I'm at the point in my life where I don't think anyone will ever love me, or the inches that accompany me.
The funny thing about pain is that it consumes you when you least expect it. The question is, will I be able to overcome it, or will it consume every part of me?
Add to your #TBR here: https://bit.ly/2GjrXhD
Read for #FREE with Kindle Unlimited here: https://amzn.to/2XbJj6I

TANGLED UP IN YOU by Samantha Chase

We are so excited to be bringing you the release of TANGLED UP IN YOU, the final book in New York Times bestselling author Samantha Chase's Shaughnessy Brothers series. Lovers of small town contemporary romance won't want to miss this one--be sure to grab your copy today!



They'll change each other's fate...

One fateful night Bobby Hannigan sustains a gunshot wound that could end his career as a police officer. If that's taken from him, he doesn't know what he'll do. The only ray of hope is Teagan Shaughnessy—a kindhearted single mom who understands his struggles...

Teagan and her young son have just moved back to the Carolina coast to be near family. When she meets Bobby, the timing feels wrong, but everything else feels oh-so-right. Bobby and Teagan each had plans for their own futures. But they're finding that those plans are meaningless if they can't be together...

Add TANGLED UP IN YOU to your Goodreads TBR!

Get your copy of TANGLED UP IN YOU today! Amazon | Apple | Nook | Kobo



Samantha Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance. She released her debut novel in 2011 and currently has more than forty titles under her belt! When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook, wearing a tiara while playing with her sassy pug Maylene…oh, and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina. Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Newsletter | BookBub

IGNITE by Donna Grant

Today we are celebrating the release of Donna Grant's IGNITE, the 15th book in her Dark Kings series.

You can purchase your copy now.

Kindle | Nook | Apple | Kobo | GooglePlay

Print: Amazon | BAM | BN | IndieBound | Powells


  Every inch of him was molded as if from granite…and her blood ran like fire... For centuries, V has waited to awaken from his doomed sleep and reclaim his destiny. But this Dragon King—one among a legion of legendary warriors sworn to protect the human race from darkness—must first find a way to win back his sword. Wield its power. And try not to fall prey to his own illicit desires. Claire may possess the beauty and soul of a goddess but V knows better than to mess with a mere mortal. Still, he instinctively knows that Claire is The One who can help him regain the use of his sword and restore his place at Dreagan. But if she learns the truth about who—and what—he really is, her memories of him would be erased forever. How can V love Claire truly, madly, deeply…and protect her from the forces of fire and darkness that could destroy them both? Praise for the Dark Kings series: “Provocative [and] sizzling.” —RT Book Reviews (4 stars) “A must-read.” Night Owl Reviews

Add IGNITE to your Goodreads TBR here!

Purchase your copy of IGNITE today!

Kindle | Nook | Apple | Kobo | GooglePlay

Print: Amazon | BAM | BN | IndieBound | Powells



New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Donna Grant has been praised for her "totally addictive" and "unique and sensual" stories. Her latest acclaimed series, Dark Kings, features a thrilling combination of dragons, Fae, and immortal Highlanders who are dark, dangerous, and irresistible. She lives with her two children and an assortment of animals in Texas. Website / Facebook / Instagram / Goodreads

In Other Words by Jennifer Woodhull

Today we have the release day blitz of IN OTHER WORDS by Jennifer Woodhull! Check it out and grab your copy now!


Author: Jennifer Woodhull

Genre: Romantic Comedy


Dexter We became close friends in college. When Sinclair returns home to Dallas after two years in New York, I introduce her to my best friend Cole. The good-looking playboy ballplayer is the perfect kind of guy for the woman I'm sure would never be interested in me...even if seeing them together breaks my heart.   Sinclair. He was the nerdy PhD candidate. I was the cheerleader. We made unlikely friends. Moving back home after two years away, he looks hotter than ever. When I start dating his ballplayer best friend, things get complicated. He doesn't see me as girlfriend material...but I can't get him, or my feelings for him, out of my head.

Get Your Copy Today:

Amazon | iBooks | Google Play | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

Exclusive Excerpt:

“She’s so fucking pretty,” Cole says, lolling his head back and forth against the headrest of my Tesla. The phrase irritates the crap out of me. I feel like I want to punch him. Not that I’ve ever punched anyone, but that’s what this feels like—like I want to commit violence against my friend for using such a pedestrian description for a creature as indescribably spectacular as Clair. “I don’t know though, man. She said she’d go out with me, but I’m not really sure she likes me.” Cole shakes his head. “It makes me kinda nervous. Usually, girls love me.” He turns to me and wriggles his eyebrows. “I mean, they really love me. It’s just…I don’t know. She’s different.” “She is different. She’s intelligent, kind, inquisitive, funny...She’s definitely not like anyone else I know.” My response is a knee-jerk reaction in defense of the woman that holds so much of my heart. I immediately regret it saying these things, though. Idiot. Why are you selling him on how great she is? He already got something I’ll never have—a date with her. “What sorta stuff should I talk to her about?” He asks. “What do you usually talk to your dates about?” “I usually say. ‘Hi. I’m a famous athlete. Also, I’m rich and have a huge cock. Let’s go to your place.’ Then they say okay, and we go to their place and fuck. If they’re good at it, I keep going back, and then we’re basically dating.” He shrugs. I pull into the driveway and the gate closes behind us. I drop my head to the steering wheel and let out a long, deep breath. “Cole, let me be clear,” I say carefully. “Clair is my friend. She’s my best friend.” “I thought I was your best friend.” “You’re my best male friend. She’s my best friend.” “So I’m not your best friend? Ouch, bro.” “You’re in the top two.” Only two, really, but that’s not really the point. “That’s not so bad, I guess. Hey, imagine if me and Sinclair got married someday. When you come to visit us, you’d get to see your two best friends at once!” He grins. I’m dying. Oxygen is no longer getting into my bloodstream and my organs are shutting down. It’s the only explanation I can think of for the hell in which I find myself trapped. “Again, Cole, let me be crystal clear. Do not treat Clair like some piece of ass. Don’t just sleep with her if you’re not serious about her.” My words are a caution. He looks at me and his expression is earnest. “I wouldn’t do that, Dexter. I’m not an asshole.” “I know you’re not an asshole. I just mean…” I blow out a breath and turn to him. “I know sometimes you date women and it’s just for fun. Clair is…she’s really important to me. Please don’t use her if you don’t see her as more than someone to go out with a couple of times, then move on from.” I hold his gaze, and he seems to get that I’m serious. “Dude…do you like her? Should I not have asked her out—were you going to make a move?” He asks. The weight of that question hangs in the air for a moment. My heartbeat is so loud, I’m sure any passerby could hear it. The blood courses through my veins with such fervor, I feel as if my arteries will burst. Should I have made a move? I don’t think she’d have been remotely interested in changing the dynamic of our relationship, but I was never brave enough to find out. After tonight, I feel, somehow, like I’ll never get the opportunity to know for sure. “We’re just friends. We’ve always been just friends,” I reply. It doesn’t answer his question, but the subtle ambiguity of my response is lost on my friend. “Okay, I was just making sure. Cause, dude,” he shakes his head. “She’s hot as hell. As long as I’m not stepping on your toes…I’m totally going for it.”    

About the Author:

Jennifer Woodhull is an author of romance with lots of wit, plenty of heat, and lots of heart. She is known for writing immersive settings that take readers to a wide variety of locales around the world. Her heroines are funny, strong make bad decisions, and get in their own way sometimes before finding their path to happiness. Her heroes are driven, funny, sweet, and sometimes complicated. Jennifer lives in Tennessee with her real life book boyfriend and their yellow lab who can be more persuasive than any roguish villain when he's after a snack. A lover of travel, Jennifer has been known to plot novels and write pages of dialogue on her phone from planes, trains, and automobiles (though not while driving, because safety first).   Jennifer's works include her debut Promise Series, the breakout hit The Dating Alternative, and the funny, sexy summer release, Sour.

Connect with Jennifer:

Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub

Enter Jennifer’s Giveaway:


Beautiful March by Christy Pastore

Beautiful March by Christy Pastore


Amazon Universal → mybook.to/BeautifulMarch

B&N → http://bit.ly/BeautifulMarchBN

Kobo → http://bit.ly/BeautifulMarchKO

iBooks → http://bit.ly/BeautifulMarchiB



Getting dumped sucks. Getting dumped by your boyfriend days before your best friend’s wedding? It doesn’t get much worse.

Did I mention that the guy who cut me loose was country music’s number one rising star?

And my client.

I thought I was walking into a proposal. Instead, I crashed right into humiliation—dumped and fired.

The silver lining? In a restaurant, there’s plenty of wine to drown my feelings.

In strolls Tyler Nichols, the restaurant owner. He’s charming, handsome and does a good job of trying to make me feel better.

A really good job. Sharing my heartbreak with a beautiful stranger is the last thing that I expected.
Turns out, Tyler Nichols is my ex’s best friend. And according to the local gossips—mainly my cousin—he’s got a mysterious past.

No worries, I’m the gal with everything going for her—great job, fabulous apartment and a glamorous life half way across the country in sunny Los Angeles—far away from my hometown and my family’s bourbon empire. I’ll be leaving after the weekend wedding festivities.

That is until my best friend, Sage, finds herself in a jam and needs my help before jetting off on her honeymoon.

So, I’m staying in Mayfield a little longer than anticipated. In just a few short weeks, I’ll march my happy ass back to the West Coast, far away from Tyler’s smoldering gaze and his panty-melting smile. And the chemistry between us that burns hotter than a hickory stump.

But the longer I’m in town, the harder it is to stay away from him. And maybe I don’t want to.

Goodreads Link:  http://bit.ly/BeautifulMarch_TBR

Connect with Christy

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChristyPastoreAuthor/

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/classylitchicks/

Website: https://christypastore-author.com/

Book+Main: https://bookandmainbites.com/cpastore

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8174674.Christy_Pastore

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2IdjFKP

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/christy-pastore


NBT - RB banner.jpg

"It's got a Jill Shalvis/SEP vibe and I had a smile on my face all the way through. Loved every minute." - Kate Meader, USA Today bestselling author

Nothing But Trouble, an all-new small town romance from USA Today bestselling author Amy Andrews, is available now!

Nothing But Trouble_1600.jpg

For five years, PA Cecilia Morgan’s entire existence has revolved around playing “left tackle” to former NFL quarterback Wade Carter. She’s so good at her job, the man can’t even buy his own condoms! Well, today she’s giving the Worst-Boss-Ever her notice.

To say CC’s announcement was a bombshell is an insult to bombs. And horribly timed, with his publisher breathing down his neck. Not too many things defy Wade Carter. Well…except his mother. His PA. And the blinking cursor of doom.

Time to call an audible.

CC is gobsmacked. Three months in his small hometown—somewhere devoid of “female distractions,” he says—while he finishes his book, and he’ll cut her loose?! And he thinks a cowboy hat and dimpled smile and she’ll just say yes? Penalty flag.

Wade can’t believe CC and the council arranged busloads of single women to visit their dying town. She never gives up. But three Super Bowl rings prove he’s no quitter, either.

But then their fighting starts to feel a whole lot like foreplay. What’s a quarterback to do when he realizes he might be falling for his left tackle?

Time to throw a Hail Mary.

NBT - AN.jpg

Download your copy today!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2U7s6uh AppleBooks: https://apple.co/2tyXPIS Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/NothingButTrouble Nook: http://bit.ly/2GBi2Xb Kobo: http://bit.ly/2tzVrBy Google Play: http://bit.ly/2TeZ1zT Amazon Paperback: https://amzn.to/2Tc0NkU

Add to GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2Not96s

NBT - Teaser 4 AN.jpg

About Amy Andrews

Amy is an Aussie author of hot contemporary romance who believes in multiple orgasms, mighty wangs and happily ever afters. She’s been penning them for over twenty years and has 70+ books to her name.

As well as unforgettable characters and great sex you’ll also be treated to some laughs and a dollop of quirk because Amy doesn’t seem to know how to write a book without a bit of both. You might also cry a little because there’s nothing she loves more than a laughy-criey book!

She also loves sunsets and rainbows, unicorns and mermaids, booze and travel. And her home that overlooks the ocean. She may also happen to believe she was a Roman goddess in her past life because its the only thing that explains her adoration for all things Italy.

Connect with Amy

Instagram:@amyandrewsbooks http://bit.ly/2Z7Ss28 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmyAndrewsAuthor/ Twitter: @amyandrewsbooks http://bit.ly/2uYHcqQ Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2Ssnmh9 Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2Su0Owi Website: http://amyandrews.com.au/

Off Limits by Nicole R. Locker

Title: Off Limits
Author: Nicole R. Locker
Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 30, 2019


“I absolutely enjoyed this entertaining feel-good love story … fast-paced, filled with drama, pain and loss, all mixed perfectly with sooo much love … definitely not-to-be-missed!” - Goodreads reviewer

It’s the cardinal rule of the Girl Code: never date a friend’s ex. Laynie Duluth knows that Gideon Roth is completely off limits. After all, he and her best friend, Priya, dated for two years back in college. And there’s no statute of limitations on the rules of Girl Code. Problem is, somebody forgot to tell Gideon.

When Laynie wakes up in Gideon’s hotel room bed, wrapped up in a naked, deliciously attractive Gideon after a night of explosive, earth-shattering, mind-blowing sex, she knows she’s got to fess up and come clean with Priya.

Only that’s not easy knowing what she knows about her best friend, and it becomes even harder when she learns Priya might just have a secret of her own to come clean about.

Purchase Links

$2.99 for release week ONLY!!


Author Bio

Nicole R. Locker is an author of slow-burn, contemporary romance with strong, intelligent women and the Alpha Heroes brave enough to chase them. She’s a resident of Lubbock, Texas, with a Master of Science in Psychology and a love for pit bulls, Pilates, and romance novels. (And men with Irish accents!)

Author Links

Falling for the Beast by Skye Warren

Title: Falling for the Beast
Series: A Modern Fairy Tale Duet #2
Author: Skye Warren
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Release Date: April 30, 2019


FALLING FOR THE BEAST is the second book in A Modern Fairy Tale duet.

He can never turn back into a prince...

A troubling revelation puts Blake's newfound career in jeopardy--and even worse, puts Erin's impending graduation at risk. He can't risk her future no matter how much he wants her.

She will never have a happily ever after...

A dark legacy threatens everything they've worked to build. When old debt comes between them, both Blake and Erin must fight to protect each other--and their love.

Since their forbidden beginning, Erin and Blake's relationship has been marked by deep sensuality and intense emotion. The couple is tested at every turn. They're running out of time. Blake and Erin will have to trust each other to forge their own sexy ending. 

Author's Note: This book was previously published as a serial in multiple parts, including Beauty Becomes You and Loving the Beast. They've been collected into this volume and revised for new readers.

Purchase Links


Also Available


Author Bio

Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance such as the Chicago Underground series. Her books have been featured in Jezebel, Buzzfeed, USA Today Happily Ever After, Glamour, and Elle Magazine. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, two sweet dogs, and one evil cat. 

Author Links

Needing Forever Vol. 1 by Terri Anne Browning

Title: Needing Forever Vol. 1
Author: Terri Anne Browning
Genre: Rockstar Romance
Release Date: April 30, 2019


From The Rocker… series by USA Today Bestselling author Terri Anne Browning comes a collection of novellas featuring some of your favorite characters.

The lead singer for Alchemy was my first crush…and my first kiss. But when I overheard a phone call after that mind-blowing embrace, I knew I was just a game to him.

It was time to get back to reality.

But I never expected Bishop to show up at my job.

All my adult life, my parents’ condemnation followed me, reminding me I’m not worth loving. When I fell for Rhett Tomlinson, their hateful vow that I would never find someone to love the real me only echoed louder. Time after time, I pushed him out of my life, until he finally gave up and walked away for good.

Yet the pain my parents’ words once caused me was nothing compared to the agony of being without Rhett. I just prayed to all of Emmie’s gods that he was willing to take one more chance on me.

Dear Michelle,

So, I met a guy… But you probably already knew that. He saved my life, after all. You are my guardian angel, so I’m sure you’ve got my back. Because when I needed help the most, you dropped Kaden Carmichael straight into my world.

But the real thing I want to tell you is….

I think I love him.

Only my heart isn’t my own, so I can’t give it to him. This is your heart that beats inside my chest, the one part of you that still remains now that you can’t be beside me.

Please, Michelle. Let me give it to him.

Your eternal best friend,

Purchase Links


Author Bio

Terri Anne Browning is a USA TODAY bestselling author. Being dyslexic, she never thought a career in writing would be possible, yet she has been on bestselling lists multiple times since 2013. Reese: A Safe Haven Novella was her first Indie published book. The Rocker Who Holds Me changed the tables and kicked off The Rocker... series featuring the sinfully delicious members of Demon's Wings. The Rocker... Series is now complete with 12 books and the occasional novella. Other books by Terri Anne include the Angel's Halo MC Series, as well as The Lucy & Harris Novella Series, The Vitucci Mafiosos Series, and The Tainted Knights Rocker Series.

Terri Anne lives in Virginia with her husband, their three demons---err, children--and a hyper Frenchie named Grunt.

Author Links

Return of the Prince by Nana Malone

Title: Return of the Prince
Series: The Royal Elite Prince Duet #1
Author: Nana Malone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 30, 2019


I’ve been a prince in exile, but I’m finally going home, tarnished crown and all. This time, I won’t let anyone keep me away…

Not Ariel, the woman I left behind. Not the killer on my tail. Hell, not even my cousin—the king—can stop me.

Unlike my conniving brother, I have no designs on the throne. Let better men rule.

But I do have a score to settle.

Everything was going just fine until Ariel is assigned to my protection detail. Little Miss Hates My Ass will ruin everything.

One look at her and I know it’s not over between us. All I have to do is convince her I never forgot her…and not get dead in the process.

Purchase Links


Coming Soon

Releasing May 21, 2019


Author Bio

USA Today Bestselling Author, NANA MALONE’s love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense she borrowed from her cousin on a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana at a precocious thirteen. She’s been in love with kick butt heroines ever since.

With her overactive imagination, and channeling her inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before she started creating her own characters. Waiting for her chance at a job as a ninja assassin, Nana, meantime works out her drama, passion and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as she thinks she is.

The books in her series have been on multiple Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble best seller lists as well as the iTunes Breakout Books list and most notably the USA Today Bestseller list.

Until that ninja job comes through, you’ll find Nana working hard on additional books for her series as well as other fun, sassy romances for characters that won’t leave her alone. And if she’s not working or hiding in the closet reading, she’s acting out scenes for her husband, daughter and puppy in sunny San Diego.

Want to hit me up? Just email me:

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