Friday, September 29, 2017

My review of Touched by Mara White

Gemini and Junipera Jones are Irish twins who have had to survive a rough childhood. Their mom is very negligent and the two pretty much raised themselves but became complete opposites. Junipera can not handle anyone touching her where as Gemini enjoys the affection of others.

When Alaric Thorn moves in with his grandpa next door he brings a different dynamic to the girls. Soon he gains enough trust from Junipera that he is able to hold her hand.

But when the girls are forced to move will the move be good for the two of them? When something happens to Junipera will she have the strength to get through it?

This was a very difficult book to read at times with some of the subjects that were covered.

I truly loved the sisters but my heart just went out to Junipera the most with her difficulties. I couldn't imagine how she felt inside not to want anyone close to her. Yet I loved the relationship that developed between her and Maude and the one between herself and Alaric. They managed to develop a special trust with her that not many other could.

I loved that Junipera was a storm chaser and the freedom that she received from it. I loved reading about some of her experiences.

Gemini was a strong character in that she had to take care of Junipera and herself while growing up. She had a wild side which he saw with her relationship with Alaric yet she was also super smart.

Towards the end of the book my heart just broke with what Junipera had to go through. I felt so bad for her.

The very end of the book for me wasn't unexpected but I just felt so sad that everything came to the ending that it did.

4 Stars

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