Tuesday, May 25, 2021

My review of Tangled Games by T.K. Leigh

 Nora Tremblay fell in love with Anderson while they were on a road trip together and she gladly accepted his proposal but now that the rest of the world knows everything has changed.

Gabriel "Anderson" Wellington wanted time to come to grips with a secret he was hiding from everyone when he decided to go on a road trip where he met and fell in love with Nora. Now he is expected to return to Belmont where he will rule as King when his father steps down.

Yet bringing an American into the European country isn't as easy as he had hoped and they find roadblocks at every corner. Can Anderson be there for Nora when she needs him the most or will he find that his duty to his country means he has to sacrifice his own happiness?

I was super excited for this second book and had been waiting for it since I finished the first one. Nora and Gabriel had been through so much in the first book and I knew it was only going to get tougher in this second one. 

I loved Nora and I gave her credit for giving up her entire life for Anderson. She believed that the love the two of them shared would be strong enough to get through whatever they came across but she hadn't met Anderson's grandma who had a hate on for her from the first moment. She was also hated by the King's right hand man for some reason as well. Nora was doing everything that was expected of her but never seemed to measure up.

I truly loved Anderson as well but in this book he succumbs to the pressure of being the future king and slowly puts everyone else ahead of Nora. He also put everyone above his own health and I hated how he began to fall apart.

There were certain moments where I wanted to cry and scream at this book as it really was full of emotion. I could see where things were headed and it just broke my heart. 

I was so mad when we got another appearance from Nora's wonderful mom and I was absolutely shocked at the things she said. I couldn't imagine being that bitter towards my own child. 

I was so mad at how things went as a result of things said which negatively affected the king and the monarch. I was so mad at Anderson and I was shocked who actually said he messed up. 

The end made me so happy and how it involved someone else as well. I was so glad that they were there and said how wonderful Nora was. I adored how everything went down and I was doing a happy dance!! 

The very end again made me dance in happiness and I really hope we get something with Esme next!! 

5 Stars

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