Monday, September 30, 2019

DRUNK ME, Southern Dreams: Oregon Coast, Book 1 by Courtney Lynn Rose

DRUNK ME, Southern Dreams: Oregon Coast, Book 1 by Courtney Lynn Rose coming 9.30.2019


Ten years.
Ten years after the heartbreak of a lifetime.
Ten years since I lost my mind and made a complete ass out of myself.
Ten years since I left home and didn’t look back.
But only five years since I got sober.
Now, Momma’s sick and I’ve got to go back to the one place I swore I’d never set foot again—Home.
A lot has changed though. I’ve changed. I’m not the broken hearted twenty-one-year-old, drunken slob they all remember.
Funny enough, my ex is still a cheating asshole, but his best friend Robert, who’ve I know since we were toddlers…is all types of sexy lawman.
But sobriety is a bitch when you have to face your demons. Robert and I have a past of our own, and the longer I’m in town, the longer I want to jump off the wagon and get drunk on him…because he’s better than an liquor I’ve ever tasted.
Too bad booze and men are a lot alike in my world—both lose you at the bottom of the bottle, and it’s never a good experience.

Ten years.
Ten years since I watched my best friend break the most beautiful girl’s heart.
Ten years since I stood by and let her spiral out of control.
Ten years since I helped her drunken ass run from this shore town to save her sanity.
But only five years since I got sober.
I’d only loved two girls in my life. One I helped run, the other I buried. I washed my hands five years ago of love and booze, and I haven’t been keen to go back to either.
As the sheriff of my small beach town, I unfortunately know everything about everyone. Which is why I should’ve been prepared for her to come back to town when her momma got sick.
But Aisling’s presence after ten years still hit me like a punch in the nuts, and now I can’t breath. She’d never loved me, not even as kids. My best friend not loving her was what drove her out of town, but now that she’s back, I’m not giving him the opportunity to hurt her twice.
We may have a past this town doesn’t know about, but I’m going to do what I should’ve done ten years ago—show her my kiss is way better than the bottle.
This town may have other plans, because as much as I want her, when shit hits the fan, I don’t know if I can risk my own sobriety to make sure she keeps hers.

HATING THE BOSS by Kristen Granata

Today we have the release day blitz for Hating the Boss by Kristen Granata! Check out the release festivities and be sure to grab your copy today!

Title: Hating the Boss

Author: Kristen Granata

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Hating the Boss:

One night. That’s all it was supposed to be. Imagine my surprise when Mr. Sexy in a Suit breezed through the door on the first day of school. Ladies and gentlemen, meet my new boss. Not only does he instantly recognize me, but he accuses me of stealing something valuable from him the morning I walk-of-shamed out of his apartment. When bullying me into a confession doesn’t work, he turns my life into a living nightmare – as if that will coax me into returning what I supposedly stole. But this is my school, and the only thing I’ll be returning is payback. Game. On. There’s only one problem. I wanted him before I hated him, and even now, a part of me still wants him. Somehow, through all of our fighting, through the anger and the pranks, I think I’m falling in love with the enemy.

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Exclusive Excerpt:

I’ve been out of my office for most of the day. There must be a full moon coming tonight because the kids in this school are feral. I’ve had to sign off on six conduct reports and three incident reports. At one o’clock, I fall into my comfy rolling chair behind my desk. My door is closed, and I’m hoping to catch up on e-mails and make a dent in this paperwork piled high on my desk. I place my hand on my mousepad, feeling around for the mouse. What the …? Where’s the damn mouse? I check under my desk and inside the drawers, but it doesn’t take too long for realization to set in. “Goddamnit.” I tear open the door and stomp down the hallway. Raegan’s at the whiteboard in her classroom in the middle of a math lesson. She doesn’t look surprised when I barge into her room and start searching through the drawers in her desk. She does, however, look like a cat who’s been caught with a mouthful of bird. With a bounce in her step, she waltzes over to me. “Good Afternoon, Principal Waters. Can I help you? What is it that you’re looking for?” Glancing at the class briefly, I give her a hard stare and smile. “You know exactly what I’m looking for.” “I can assure you that I don’t.” I edge closer to her, lowering my lips to her ear. Her warm, sweet scent wafts into my nostrils, and I fight the urge to run my nose along her neck. Focus, Waters. Jesus. “Give it back, or things are going to get a lot worse for you around here.” Her eyes blaze as they lock with mine. She closes the gap between us, her chest almost pressed flush against me, and she whispers, “You don’t scare me.” A shiver racks through my body. I can’t decide if I want to strangle her or fuck her right here on her desk. I’m starting to gain a better understanding of people who have a choking fetish. “Hi, Principal Waters!” Hannah’s waving at me with Joshua at her side. I clear my throat and straighten my tie. “Hi, Hannah. Hello, class. I hope you’re all having a great day full of fun and learning.” Raegan chokes back a laugh as she saunters back to the whiteboard. Laugh it up now. You won’t be laughing for much longer.

About the Author:

Kristen Granata is a teacher by day, and an (exhausted) author by night. Known for writing emotional New Adult Romance, she loves creating realistic, flawed characters who struggle through the darkest parts of life and come out stronger on the other side. Kristen is a self-proclaimed "bitter cynic trapped in a hopeless romantic's body." Her characters pack a sarcastic punch, make you laugh, make you think, make you ugly cry - and they will always live happily ever after. If you're a lover of moving, inspirational reads, Kristen's your girl. Kristen was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1986. She moved to Staten Island with her family and lived there for almost twenty years. There she attended community college and became a teacher. Despite her passion for writing, and despite her professors strongly suggesting she become a writer, she took the more sensible route (bitter cynic, remember?) After going through a difficult divorce when she was only twenty-nine, Kristen returned to writing. The raw story that poured out of her led her to publish her debut novel, Collision, in March of 2018. Soon after in August 2018, the sequel, Avoidance, was published. Her third novel, The Other Brother, released in April 2019. Kristen openly shares her mental health struggles with depression and anxiety with her Instagram following. Her message is a beacon of hope to anyone who is suffering: You are not alone. She delicately weaves this theme into her writing, and demonstrates the ability of love to heal trauma. When she's not teaching or writing, Kristen is reading, Instagramming, indulging in her messy love affair with popcorn, and annoying her wife and step-daughters by incessantly singing along to The Greatest Showman soundtrack.

Connect with the Author:

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All That's Left and All That's Been Said by Emma Doherty

Today we have the cover reveal for by Emma Doherty! Check out the gorgeous covers and be sure to pre-order your copy today!

Title: All That’s Left

Author: Emma Doherty

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Day: October 24th

About All That’s Left:

Izzy Kavanagh’s life falls apart when her mother dies. She is forced to move to the US and live with her absent father, who thinks money is the answer to every problem, and her twin brother Ethan, who she has barely spoken to in years.   She hates everything about the move. She hates that she’s forced to finish high school even though she’s already completed it in the UK. She hates that her father is controlling her and threatening to take away her inheritance if she doesn’t do as he says, even though he’s barely there and couldn’t care less about her. She hates that everybody already has an opinion on her based on her family name.   But what she hates above all else is having to see her brother every day in his perfect life where everybody worships him, because he chose this life over her and her mum.   And for that, she’ll never forgive him.

Available for Pre-Order from Kindle Unlimited Now!

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Title: All That’s Been Said

Author: Emma Doherty

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Day: November 7th

About All That’s Been Said:

Izzy Kavanagh hates her new life in the US; that much she’s made obvious. She’s done everything she can to alienate her twin, Ethan, and to prove she doesn’t want to be there. She’s certainly succeeded. Perhaps a little too much. Suddenly the idea of having her brother hate her isn’t what she wants. Knowing her mother would be ashamed of her behaviour weighs on her mind, and the idea of having someone who cares about her isn’t so bad after all. Then there’s her brother’s best friend, Finn. No matter how much she wants to ignore him and pretend she doesn’t care about his opinion, he always seems to be there, and it’s getting harder and harder to act like she’s indifferent to him But the damage has been done, and now all she can do is count down the days until she’s allowed to return to the UK and forget all about her time in the US. That’s what she’s wanted all along…right?

Exclusive Excerpt:

A chair is kicked out directly into my path, halting me in place. I turn to see where it’s come from and see Ethan is sat slouched in the chair opposite the one he’s shoved in my direction. Of course he’s in here. I should have thought about that, and I mentally kick myself for not thinking about him when I agreed to come in. My eyes scan around his table. It’s completely full. Every seat is taken, and there are people standing around on the edges, like they’re chatting to those that are sat down, only no one’s chatting right now. They’re all staring at me. Ethan clears his throat and nods towards the only empty seat, which he’s kicked into my pathway. “I saved you a seat. Sit down and I’ll introduce you around.” I pause whilst he stares back at me, his face totally expressionless unless you know him well and can detect the tenseness in his jaw. He’s not as comfortable as he’d like everyone to believe. We both know what this is. It’s a chance for me to slot into his life as his sister and take my place amongst his friends, to forget about the last six years. My eyes meet his and, just for a second, I see the hope that’s there before I shake my head. No. No, he can’t have it both ways. He can’t drop me as a twelve-year-old and then expect me to walk back into his life like nothing has happened. We can’t pretend the last five years didn’t happen and that he wasn’t there when I needed him. Neither of us say anything for a few seconds then I shove the chair back towards him with more force than is strictly necessary and go to move on. “Izzy!” I pause and look back at him. His eyes are still focused on me, but I’m acutely aware that it’s not just his eyes on me. His whole table is silent as they watch our exchange. “Just sit down, okay?” “Yeah, come on, pretty girl. Sit with us.” I turn and see a grinning guy with light brown hair sat next to Ethan. It’s the same guy who was in my history class and wanted me to sit near him. Ethan turns to face him. “Shut up, Logan. Didn’t you hear me this morning?” The guy pales at the memory and the smile is wiped from his face. “Sorry, I’m just being friendly.” “Well don’t,” Ethan snaps. He turns back to me. “Come on, sit down.” “No, thank you.” “Biz!” I freeze completely, and my eyes find his. “Don’t call me that,” There’s a definite bite to my tone. Biz is what my mum used to call me. Ethan did too, to be fair, but I can’t hear that right now. Not when no one’s called me that since she died. His eyes flash with annoyance. “Fine,” he bites out. “Take a seat, Isabella.” My eyes narrow, he knows I hate my full name and no one ever calls me it, not even teachers. I go by Izzy, as he knows full well. I shake my head and turn to walk away. “Actually, I heard you’re going by Kavanagh now.” There’s an edge to his voice that I’ve not heard before. “Been hearing all morning about the new girl Izzy Kavanagh.” Anger crosses his face, like it’s a personal insult to him that I’m not using the same surname as him. But why would I? I can’t stand my father, so why would I want his name? “Kavanagh,” he mutters like it leaves a bad taste, which is weird considering it’s his mum’s name too. “I go by my mum’s name,” I tell him unnecessarily. “Your mum’s name?” he asks incredulously. “Yours?” “Yeah, I think they know each other,” someone mutters nearby, and someone else replies, “No shit.” Apart from that, there’s total and utter silence from his friends as they watch our exchange. Ethan doesn’t even notice them. His focus is solely on me as he shakes his head and his hands clench into fists on the table. “You’re unbelievable, do you know that? You finally decide to turn up after four days and then I hear you’re using Kavanagh. You’re a…” He stops himself from finishing and instead takes a deep breath, in through his nose and out through his mouth, as though he’s trying to calm himself down. But I’m interested now. “I’m what?” I step towards him. This isn’t like him. Usually he’s happy-go-lucky. Usually he doesn’t show his real feelings; he’s an expert at covering them. “Finish your sentence, Ethan,” I say sharply. He throws his hands up. “You know what? I should just be grateful you showed, right? That you showed up and are gracing me with your presence. That you’re not drunk for the first time in days. That I actually know where you are for once.” My eyes bore into his. Why is he acting like he’s concerned? Why is he acting like he’s bothered about my behaviour? He can’t suddenly start acting like this after years of silence between us. My silence just pisses him off further. “Or maybe I should just be thankful that we’re actually having a conversation, right? Because God knows you don’t talk to me anymore,” he mutters snaps. Finally. Finally he’s not being the perfect all-American teenager who’s bothered by nothing. “I don’t even know…” His voice trails off as he shakes his head, like he wasn’t actually aware of what he was saying. “Speak up, Ethan,” I tell him, putting my lunch onto the table in front of me and crossing my arms. “Use your words. Formulate a proper sentence.” I say just because I want to see how far I can push him to get a reaction. “Even you can manage to do that.” “You fucking bitch,” he snaps before he can think, and I start to laugh as there are shocked gasps around us. I’m amused because my perfect brother is finally losing his control and showing me some of his true feelings for a change. “Whoa, whoa,” Finn starts, looking at him in surprise before glancing back at me. “We all just need to chill out.” Neither Ethan nor I acknowledge him. “Yeah,” Logan starts. “I think maybe you should go sit somewhere else, pretty girl.” Ethan turns to glare at him. “Stop calling her that. I already told you guys to leave her alone. If I find out any of you guys have gone near her, I swear to God you’ll regret it.” Finn looks startled at the anger in Ethan’s tone as I start to laugh and say, “It’s a bit late to start worrying about my honour, Ethan. That went a long time ago.” He winces as he realises what I’m saying. At the look on my face, his wince turns into a glare. “Just shup up.” He turns to look back at his friends. “I mean it. She’s off limits.” “We got it, E,” Finn assures him just as the blonde at Ethan’s side—the girl Pippa shied away from earlier, the one who’s been looking steadily more and more pissed off throughout our conversation—finally explodes. “WHAT THE HELL, ETHAN? Why are you telling people she’s off limits?” He barely glances at her. “I’ll tell you later, Evie,” he says distractedly, dismissing her. Evie. That’s the name of the girl I know I don’t like without even saying a word to her. Ethan is reaching down and grabbing his bag, and he’s rounded the table before I tear my eyes away from Evie, having matched the look she’s giving me with one of my own. “Come on,” he starts, grabbing my arm. “I want to talk to you.” I snatch my arm back from his grip. “Don’t touch me,” I snap. I already have one family member trying controlling me and telling me what to do. I don’t need another. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” That seems to be the last straw for Ethan. “You are a fucking nightmare. Do you know that? I’ve been worried about you all week and you just turn up like nothing’s wrong. You are so selfish and…” He stops abruptly, clamping his mouth shut as he realises just how much we’re being scrutinised, but I want to hear more. “Go on,” I tell him, my voice low. “Tell me what you think.” He takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Let’s just get out of here.” I take a step closer to him. “Tell me what you think of me, Ethan,” I challenge quietly. I pause whilst he just glares back at me, his whole body radiating tension. When he doesn’t respond, I continue. “Do you want to know what I think of you?” There’s no need to raise my voice. There’s total silence around us, and it’s not just his table watching us anymore, but I don’t care. I’ve been itching to tell Ethan what I think of him for months, if not years, and if this is the place where I do it, so be it. I take another step closer to him. “I think that you are a pathetic excuse for a so—” “WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” Evie suddenly erupts from her place at the table. She stands and comes to face me, flanking Ethan on his left. “YOU DO NOT SPEAK TO US LIKE THAT.” “I don’t remember speaking to you. Did I?” Her jaw falls open. Clearly she’s not used to people speaking back to her. She crosses her arms over her chest and takes a step closer to me. “You need to be careful.” I raise an eyebrow. “Is that so?” “You don’t have a clue what you’ve just done.” Her dark blue eyes bore into me, and a smile takes over her lips. “You just made a big mistake,” she warns me. “You just committed social suicide, babe. I don’t care about your dumb accent or your designer handbag. You’re officially done here.” “I’m done?” “I’m gonna make sure of it. I’m gonna be your worst nightmare.” Ethan’s head snaps to her in surprise, and he scowls in disgust. “Evie, stop. Don’t be such a bitch.” She looks utterly flabbergasted that he’s defended me. “I don’t need your help, Ethan,” I tell him. He turns to me. “It would be really good if you could just shut your mouth right now, Biz.” “Shut up.” “What did you say?” Evie demands, pushing past Ethan to get closer to me. It’s obvious she’s getting more and more agitated that there’s something going on that she doesn’t understand. “I said ‘Shut up.’ Want me to spell it for you?” Her face turns red with fury and she leans towards me. “I don’t know who you think you are with that stupid accent—” “British,” I interrupt her. “It’s a British accent. You might have heard of it? Collection of countries in Europe? The UK?” She splutters for a minute. “Whatever. I don’t care where you came from—in this school you don’t speak to us like that, and you definitely don’t speak to Ethan Carlington like that. Do you even know who he is?” I glance over at Ethan, who looks like he wishes he’d never bothered stopping me. “Yes, I’m aware of who Ethan Carlington is.” “Well then you should know he’s not even on your level, babe. His dad owns this town, and if your family wants to settle in, it’s best not to piss off his son.” Ethan’s jaw falls open at her words, and I wonder just how good she usually is at hiding her bitchy behaviour. I’ve no doubt this is her true character, but I wonder how often she actually shows it to Ethan and his friends, because the Ethan I knew would never tolerate this. He would never want to be around someone who behaves like this. I tilt my head as I survey him. “Wow. Sounds like you’ve got a really great dad. Lucky you.” He rolls his eyes at me in irritation, and it only infuriates her further. “You’re done here,” she continues, glaring hard. “I wouldn’t even bother coming back if I were you.” “Oh yeah?” I ask, taking a step towards her so we’re almost touching. She’s gorgeous, no doubt about that, and she definitely knows it, but she’s one of those girls who needs to make everyone else feel bad just to make herself feel better. “Why? What are you going to do?” She smirks at me, and I can see it in her eyes. She thinks she’s going to shut me down the way she’s probably shut down countless girls before just because she doesn’t like something about them, or just because she’s bored. Either way, I can promise she’s not going to do it to me. “You just wait. You’ll regret ever stepping foot in this school. I’m gonna enjoy this.” I grin and glance over at Ethan, who is staring at Evie in disbelief, like he doesn’t even recognise her. “Did you hear that, Ethan? Your little friend here is threatening me.” “Could you stop trying to wind everyone up for just a second?” he snaps at me before turning to Evie. “And don’t talk to her like that. What is wrong with you?” Evie’s face turns red at the reprimand. “I was just…I was sticking up for you.” “Awww. It’s sweet that you want to fight your friend’s battles, but he’s a big boy.” She turns back on me. “He’s my boyfriend,” she bites out, like it’s something I should just know. “And you can make sure you stay away from him.” Of course she’s his girlfriend. Of course. I start to laugh and look at Ethan, who looks positively mortified. “Seriously?” I ask. “This is your girlfriend?” I let my eyes sweep around the cafeteria, taking in the faces looking back at me. “Must be slim pickings around here if she’s the best you can do.” It’s the final straw for Evie, and a growl leaves her mouth as she lunges at me, but Ethan catches her around the waist before she gets to me. He pulls her back, and she turns to look at him, hurt and confusion crossing her face. “Why are you defending her?” she asks him. “Why are you taking her side when she’s speaking to you like that?” She turns to look back at me. “Who are you?” I stare back at her and let out a humourless laugh. “Who am I?” I step closer to her, my eyes boring into hers. I glance at Ethan, who is glaring back at me, before turning back to this girlfriend. “I’m his twin.” I pause as I watch her eyes widen in disbelief. “Who the hell are you?!”  

About the Author:

Emma Doherty was born in Yorkshire, England. She attended university in Newcastle before moving to London. She loves to travel, write, spend time with friends and family and hear from her readers.

Connect with the Author:

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Exquisitely Hidden by M. Jay Granberry

Title: Exquisitely Hidden
Series: Sin City Tale #2
Author: M. Jay Granberry
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Photo: Regina Wamba
Release Date: November 20, 2019


He was everything I needed when I thought I had it all…
As front man for the band everyone’s eyes are on me.
I bask in the spotlight
Because it hides the flaws.
Everyone has secrets.
Mine will ruin everything I’ve built.
My career, my music, my life…
But keeping this secret?
It’s breaking my heart.
I knew how we would end before we started
And still I can’t resist him.
Not everyone will understand.
But I do.
It’s simple.
He’s the man I’m meant to love.
How long can I deny who I truly am?
Should I keep my secret or risk it all?

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Author Bio

M. Jay Granberry is first and foremost an insatiable reader.
Among her favorite things are classic fairy tales, smutty books where characters have heart, old lady sweaters (preferably chunky knit), gift baskets (giving not receiving), and charcuterie trays (green olives, smoked cheese, and Genoa salami).
She is a true Las Vegas native, the one in Nevada not New Mexico, and to answer the most frequently asked questions about growing up in Sin City…
  • No, she doesn’t live in a hotel.
  • No, she has never been a stripper although she does know some.
  • Prostitution is absolutely illegal in Clark County (Las Vegas)!
  • And what happens in Vegas does indeed stay in Vegas.
M. Jay earned a degree in words and stories, and after fifteen plus years of doing everything other than writing, she penned her first novel.
Giving a voice to characters, that are strong yet fragile, that are sometimes uncomfortably real, that express love in dirtiest ways with the sweetest sentiments is honestly a dream come true.

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Bad Apple by Gemini Jensen

Title: Bad Apple
Series: Bad Creed #1
Author: Gemini Jensen
Genre: Contemporary New Adult Bully Romance
Release Date: September 30, 2019


Senior year is supposed to be the time of your life. Keyword: Supposed. 

But I’ve just been shipped off to a new school. Sentenced to hard time deep in the heart of Hicktown, USA. 
I left everything behind—my friends, my girl, my band, my ambitions
Besides graduating, I thought there was nothing left to strive for. 

Then, I meet her...
Pretty. Preppy. Popular. Basic. 
Most importantly, daughter of the enemy.

And now I have a new vision...
Rip away her crown. 
Knock her off her pedestal. 
Wear her down until she’s stripped bare. 
She has no idea what’s coming for her. 

They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and the Creed family tree is full of bad apples. 
But me?
I’m the most rotten of them all. 

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“I fucking hate you, you know that?” His words come out a taut, restrained, and he stares straight into my eyes, delivering the blow. I guess I’m becoming immune to his antics, because I just nod my head, biting back the smile that desperately wishes to break free.
Maybe you do. But not nearly as much as you wish…
“And you’re still going to give me the most precious thing you’ve got right now, even knowing I’ve got no love for you? Knowing I don’t even like you, not even a little bit?”
I roll my eyes. If he’s trying to scare me away, to make me second guess myself, it’s not going to work. And if that’s the case, I think that speaks more to his own shitshow of feelings and not being able to sort through them, than anything I’ve done.
“Steph says sex angry sex is the best. I’m betting hate sex might be even better…” I shoot him a cocky smirk.
“How will you know? You have nothing to compare it to…”
“Not now, maybe. But I will one day.”

Author Bio

GEMINI JENSEN’s love for reading began at a young age, and her love for writing was born not long after she learned how to put pen to paper. When she was in 2nd or 3rd grade, she won a poetry contest for all the elementary students in her county. 

She has a passion for all things romance-related, particularly angsty, forbidden, and slow-burn romances. Taboo stories are another guilty pleasure. 

An avid reader, she’s been enjoying the romance genre much longer than she should be able to admit, stealing her mom’s books and returning them before anyone noticed they were missing. 

Born and raised in Western North Carolina, she still resides there with her family—her husband and their two kids...along with three dogs, and a rabbit named Ted Bunny. She enjoys anything related to creativity, Disney, and cooking. 

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Underneath the Sycamore Tree by B. Celeste

Title: Underneath the Sycamore Tree
Author: B. Celeste
Genre: Contemporary Stepbrother Romance
Cover Design: Letitia Hasser, RBA Designs
Release Date: November 1, 2019


It happened in stages.
My father left.
My twin sister died of an incurable autoimmune disease.
My mother started breaking down.
Then I was diagnosed with the very thing that took my other half from me.
That was when I realized Mama’s eyes turned gold when she cried.
So I moved in with my father and his new family—new wife, new son, new stepbrother.
Kaiden Monroe made me feel normal.
Hated. Cared for. Loathed. And … loved.
Somewhere along the way, I’d found solace in the boy with dark eyes.
But everything happens in stages.
And nothing good ever lasts.

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Mama’s eyes are golden when she cries. Not like mine, which are a murky shade of dirty pool water—not fully green or brown, but a mixture of the two. Though when I was just shy of ten years old and saying goodbye to my sister, Mama told me that my glassy gaze was speckled with emeralds just like Daddy’s.
But Daddy wasn’t at Lo’s funeral. Not when the pastor spoke the eulogy to the half-empty church, or when the slow toll of cars paced the streets to the cemetery, or even when they lowered the kid-sized white coffin into the ground. Mama and I watched every step of the way. Her eyes trained on the half of her heart sinking into the dark soil, never to be seen again, while mine stared off into the distance waiting for Daddy’s familiar face to appear.
Looking back now, Lo had suspected the end of our parent’s marriage long before Daddy packed his things and left. She always knew it’d end that way.
I wondered what else she knew.
Mama wipes a stray tear from her eye, hoping I won’t notice how they glisten in the fluorescent lighting of the drab white room. I want to tell her I’m all right, that everything will be fine. But the weak attempts of comfort would roll off her tense shoulders in disbelief.
When Lo was diagnosed with lupus it was too late to save her. The disease had eaten away at every piece of her—body, skin, and organs. Nobody knew what would happen if it’d gone untreated for too long. No matter how hard Mama tried controlling the disease, it couldn’t be fought.
Logan died in her sleep.

Also Available


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Author Bio

B. Celeste’s obsession with all things forbidden and taboo enabled her to pave a path into a new world of raw, real, emotional romance.

Her debut novel is The Truth about Heartbreak.

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Crazy Rich Cajuns by Erin Nicholas

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"You can always count on Erin Nicholas for fun, sexy contemporary romance."―Melissa Foster, New York Times bestselling author

Crazy Rich Cajuns, an all-new sexy, small town, opposites attract rom com from New York Times bestselling author Erin Nicholas, is coming September 30th!


He wears suits and ties. He’ll one day inherit a fortune. He has a law degree. He shines his shoes, for God’s sake. What is she doing attracted to a guy like him? But she is. She so is.

She drives air boats on the bayou, drinks and cusses, and gives city boys in suits a hard time just for fun. Why can’t he get her out of his mind? But he can’t. He definitely can’t.

A weekend trip to Savannah for a fancy-schmancy party with his highfalutin family is the surefire way to prove that they have nothing in common but intense chemistry. And to maybe scratch this I’ve-never-wanted-anyone-like-I-want-you itch once or twice. Or five times.

But it takes only about twenty-four hours for the bayou girl and the city boy to figure out that they don’t really know much at all–about each other, or about themselves. And figuring all of this out is going to be downright crazy.


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My Best Friend’s Mardi Gras Wedding



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About Erin Nicholas

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Erin Nicholas has been writing romances almost as long as she’s been reading them. To date, she’s written over thirty sexy, contemporary novels that have been described as “toe-curling,” “enchanting,” “steamy,” and “fun.” She adores reluctant heroes, imperfect heroines, and happily ever afters.

Erin lives in the Midwest, where she enjoys spending time with her husband (who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books), her kids (who will never read the sex scenes in her books), and her family and friends (who claim to be “shocked” by the sex scenes in her books).


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Today we have the release blitz of K.L. Clare’s HER LOVELY LIES! Check out this new release and be sure to grab your copy today!

Title: Her Lovely lies

Author: K.L. Clare

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Her Lovely Lies:

She loves him madly, wants his children—but does she really know him? Come a little closer if you dare. Will Hastings is back with more of the dark love story that began in Lies That Bind Us. Loving her is all that I am. She is the flesh and blood savior who lights up my soul. She’s grace and beauty, the source of my addiction. I watch her every move, consume each breath she takes. I won’t live without her touch. She’s in my bed when I close my eyes and there when I wake. But now, my angel lies to me. Elle secretly investigates the lies left behind by her sister and my brother. She should know better—no space exists between us, no room for secrets. I allow the deception while she searches for answers, but I am always right behind her, eliminating the threats that shadow us. Her discovery? It drives me straight to my knees.

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Exclusive Excerpt:

. . . I had somehow found the discipline to wait Ellie out, to give her time to grow and thrive as an individual before allowing my obsession to consume all of her, though I could feel the elasticity of it contracting. My self-discipline had stretched to its limit. I needed to see her. I would claim one touch, maybe one kiss, then continue protecting her from a distance. Fucking liar. You’ll take everything from her. Don’t touch. I shook my head, my deliberations vacillating between what I knew was the truth and what I wanted to do, and jogged out to my car. The town celebration had already started, and this fucking liar wasn’t about to miss an opportunity to see her there. It didn’t take much time to catch up to her—there she was on the street just a few feet ahead of me. I would recognize her pretty arse anywhere. Stonington’s main streets were narrow, so I retreated into the crowd and crossed to the opposing curb from where I could see her face. Ellie soon found me and locked her eyes onto mine, and what I discovered in her gaze was staggering. It caused a sharp pain to cut through me as if a blade had pierced my heart. Abandonment. Loss. She believed she was alone. I pressed my palm against the center of my chest to ease the abrupt tightness. Christ, how many times had she been failed? She worked a second job tending bar for fuck’s sake, and it wasn’t for the money—my father had assured me she had inherited her father’s wealth, which meant she was looking for something or someone to make her feel safe and loved. She’d lost both parents at an early age, and her grandmother visibly held her affection for Ellie at arm’s length. Ellie’s sister, Isobel, seemed to express a maternal regard for her rather than offer the kind of companionship a sibling close in age could provide. I had no idea how many men had passed through her life, but it was clear none understood who she was or what she needed because she was still alone. She was practiced at concealing the pain, but beyond the beauty of her green irises, the suffering was there. I could see it and feel it, and in that moment, with our eyes locked, I knew that I would never find the strength to leave the States without her again. Unrestrained thoughts raced through my head. I opened and closed my hands, flexing my fists as flashes of anger rushed through me. I wanted to kiss away the hurt. I ached to shelter her in my arms. I wanted to bury my cock deep inside of her and show her that she had been found. I lowered my eyes to her lips and smirked at the idea of her releasing all of that pain while screaming my name. I met her eyes again, my smile fading as something more occurred to me. That she dared to hold my stare for so long revealed strength, but also there was something undeniable about the intensity of her will. Ellie held the power no one before her had ever possessed, and if I wasn’t careful, one day she would wield it to put me on my goddamned knees. Mine. . . .  

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About K.L. Clare:

“I believe in telling the love stories that beg to be told, even when they resonate differently than the norm, and I love to lure historical facts into contemporary ideas. As a reader and a writer, I open my mind and heart to concepts and characters that may not be what is expected in our modern world.” –klc Award-winning author K.L. Clare writes contemporary romance and has been praised by industry critics for her elegant prose, captivating and distinctive characters, and original story lines. The manuscript for Kelli’s first novel, Lies That Bind Us, has won multiple independent book awards. Prior to writing fiction, she was an HR executive, a contributing writer for an online women’s publication, and a progressive voice on issues for women and children in a global coalition of bloggers. She lives in Ohio with her two brilliant kids and a sock-thieving spaniel. Follow K.L. Clare on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and BookBub to receive alerts about new releases and featured sales. Interested in behind-the-scenes looks, author chats, and contests? Join her romance-reading tribe on Facebook.  

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