Thursday, December 6, 2018

My review of Slow Shift by Nazarea Andrews

Chase DeWitt is 14 years old and an angry boy after the death of his mother and he meets Tyler and Lucas Reid while out walking in the forest one day and a friendship develops between them. Chase's dad, John, is the Chief of Police and doesn't want Chase anywhere near the Reid men but soon realizes that they truly care.

Tyler Reid is 23 and takes care of his brother Lucas after an accident claimed the life of his parents. He struggles with finding his place but there is something about Chase that brings him peace.

As a friendship develops between them all they must deal with what they are up against and find their way. When secrets are revealed will Chase stand by the Reid men or will he run?

There were parts of the book that I really enjoyed and other parts that I struggled to get through. I found the book quite long and some parts just didn't seem to flow as well as others.

I liked Chase and felt bad with everything that he was going through after the death of his mom. It was clear how much he struggled with his dad's drinking and also he was struggling with his identity a lot.

I did really like Tyler right from the beginning and it was obvious how much he cared about Chase yet he didn't act on his feelings and let Chase live his life and was just there for him. He was there for his brother Lucas and it was sad seeing Lucas so injured from the car accident.

I enjoyed seeing John change with his opinion of Tyler especially when he understood that he truly cared and wasn't taking advantage of him.

The end was good and I was definitely expecting it.

I struggled with keeping interested in the story at times and I found myself drifting and losing interest. I would like to try reading the author again as I did really enjoy the premise of the story but I just couldn't keep interested in it.

3 Stars

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