I was super excited to give these ones a try as I love caramel and apples!
I ended up having to make these over two days as I ran out of time but I only made the apples the first day and then mixed everything up together on the second day.
These were super easy to make and I found the addition of Greek yogurt interesting. That being said I wish I had a little more yogurt as I found the scones rather crumbly and hard to form together.
These scones were so delicious though and I really enjoyed them! The icing was incredible and I probably could've eaten a whole bowl of just that!
You can find the recipe here: http://joandsue.blogspot.com/2014/05/caramel-apple-scones.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+JoAndSue+%28Jo+and+Sue%29