Thursday, February 25, 2021

My review of Crazy For You by S.B. Alexander

 Skye Lawson was 14 years old when her mother died and  now 2 years later she has received devastating news that has turned her world upside down. 

When Skye is hit by a truck she is surprised that it is driven by her neighbor, Colton Caldwell, who has returned from private school. Colton has filled out since he left but soon Skye discovers that he is also going through things at home and not everything is as it seems.

Can Colton and Skye find the strength within each other to help when the going gets tough or will Colton leave when the going gets tough?

This was such an amazing book but have the kleenex handy as I needed it from start to finish!! 

My heart just broke for Skye with everything she had been through and then everything that she had to go through in the book. She was so strong yet at the same time she felt like she was falling apart. I loved her friendship with both Georgia and Mia but her closeness with Georgia and her family really showed how supported Skye was. I also really liked how much her relationship with Nan evolved and how Nan really cared about Skye and her dad and how she was truly there for both of them. I liked Skye skateboarding everywhere and how she found solace with it.

When Colton came back he was wanted by all the girls, in particular Amanda, and I felt like it was a way of lashing out due to the things he was going through. It was obvious that he did care about Skye but at the beginning it felt like he was just trying to get a rise out of her which I didn't like due to what she was going through. 

There were so many twists and turns of emotions through the book and I just kept crying. My heart was just broken for Skye so many times yet she still had that strength within her that kept her focused and doing what she needed to in order to get by. 

There was a point where I thought things were finally going to progress between Colton and Skye after a serious incident but then they didn't and I was pretty frustrated. Then stuff was said by Amanda and I felt horrible for Skye . Skye's heart was so battered and then things took even more of a turn for the worse and the tears were just rolling down my face. 

My mood was improving after Colton was there when Skye really needed him and I was happy with where things went. I was freaking out about Aunt Clara and the new twist but I was super happy with where Skye ended up. 

I loved the conversation between Skye and Ashley where Skye learned the real truth about everything!

The very end made me really happy although I am a little bit worried about Nan!

Such an emotional book but my heart loved it!! 

5 Stars

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