Wednesday, August 19, 2020

My review of Eden by Nyssa Kathryn

 Shylah Kemp believed she was doing the right thing when she was tryiong to protect Eden "Hunter" Cole and his teammates but when she disappeared Eden believed that Shylah betrayed him.

Now Shylah is back and believed that she might have another chance with Eden but he is not very happy top see her at all.

Can Shylah prove to Eden that her actions were to save him and his team and will her past actions continue to put her in danger?

This is another great book in the series and I am looking forward to more! 

My heart broke for Eden when Shylah disappeared but I also knew that she would not leave him intentionally. Unfortunatley Eden didn't know everything that I did so he hated Shylah for disappearing and breaking his heart. He had so much anger but in the last book we saw him changing a little.

I really liked Shylah and knew that she would never have left Eden on her own and I was surprised at everything that she had been through. I felt bad that she was treated so horribly by Eden yet she was still keeping a lot from him which didn't help her gain his trust back.

It was interesting that Doctor Trent O'Neil never gave up pursuing Shylah even when it was evident that she was back with Eden. He seemed pretty intense.

I liked how aware Shylah was of her surroundings and how she began to pick up certain things and notice what was going on around her. There were so many moments that you could tell that someone was after her but you never were 100% sure what was going to happen or who was involved with it all.

I was happy when Eden finally realized how much Shylah had sacrificed and wanted to be with her. 

Certain clues began to drop and everything began to come together but I was definitely surprised when everything was revealed!! I love how Shylah came to get the information she did as it just all fell into place.

The ending was super intense as I knew what was supposed to happen but I didn't know what the reaction was going to be for it all given the uncertainty of certain things. I was super happy that things ended the way they did!

I can't wait for more books in this series!! 

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