Thursday, July 22, 2021

My review of Blurry by Michelle Hercules

 Chiari Moretti's cousin Paolo is marrying the man that Chiari had a crush on for years and she wants nothing to do with the festivities. When she finds a man, Alistair, and his broken car on the side of the road she decides to pick him up and bring him to the wedding. The two spend an amazing weejend together but trade no personal information, knowing all they have is the one weekend.

Alistair Walsh had no idea the impact that Chiari would leave on him in Italy after he left California after getting divorced at 26. Now he is back to teaching for another semester and is trying to settle his divorce with Nadine and things are not going well.

When Chiari heads to California she is shocked when she sees Alistair in front of her classroom. Now she ahs to do what ever she can to resist the man she hasn't stopped thinking about knowing one touch could ruin both of them.

This was such a great book and I couldn't put it down!! I loved the weekend in Italy when I only knew the basics and everything seemed so care free. When I started reading the book I couldn't remember what it was about and I truly loved that as I was shocked when certain things were revealed.

Chiari's family dynamics seemed interesting at the beginning of the book as I really didn't care for Chiari's mom but her dad seemed to really care about her. I thought it was funny on the how she managed to convince her parents to let her go to the US.

I was totally shocked when everything went down and Chiari and Alistair saw each other. Both were in complete shock and I loved that Chiari really had no idea who Alistair was. There were times when I was so mad at Alistair for taking out his jealousy in the wrong ways as Chiari had really been doing nothing wrong.

I knew why it was so wrong for Chiari and Alistair to be together but you couldn't help rooting for him yet I was worried about his divorce and also his job. 

Everything began to go downhill with the fire and then my heart began to break, especially for Chiari. I was shocked at how fast everything went out of control and how things just drastically turned. 

I was happy at how Alistair did what he needed to for Chiari and how he was there for her when he needed to be.  The end made me super happy and I really hope we get a story on Phillip and Robbie!!

5 Stars

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