Tuesday, September 29, 2020

My review of No Love Lost by Lexi Blake

 Kimberly "Solo" Soloman is a CIA agent who was once married to fellow agent Erza Fain but when he blamed her for the death of his brother, thweir marriage fell apart although the love between them continued to exist. He left the CIA and Solo continued on with their paths crossing as Erza began working for McKay -Taggert.

When Solo is accused of a crime she never committed by their mutual enemy, Levi Green, Erza swears to do everything he can to protect her but Solo feels she is safer to hide on her own.

When Erza and Solo are separated he will do anything he can to locate her but he has to be sure to find her before Levi does as he isn't going to give up either. Will Erza and Solo have a chance at finally figuring out the love they share before it's too late?

This was such a good book with some awesome twists and turns to leave my jaw on the ground!

I thought Solo was such a great character and I truly didn't think she was going to be charged by Levi, especially considering everything that he has done in the past. Solo was resilient but also she was determined not to take anyone else down with her, especially Erza, as she knew that Levi would do whatever he could to take care of him once and for all. I totally understood why she ran after all of the cruel things that Erza said to her while in France.

So Erza's character totally had me confused with the whole name thing. I discovered that his real name was actually Beckett Kent but had chosen to use his brother's name after his death which had me pretty confused. He was a good character but also a really angry one who lashed out quite often at Solo and said some really cruel things.

Levi was a sadistic jerk who was so hell bent on destroying both Erza and Solo yet he wanted to keep Solo as his possession but one he could control. I have no idea how he kept getting more powerful after everything he had done. He never gave up looking for Solo and I knew there was nothing he wouldn't do to get her.

There was a large amount of time that lapses in the book and I was surprised for how long it took but I loved how Solo had tried to put things back together yet unfortunately she was caught but I loved what was revealed to Erza and the other men of McKay-Taggert.

I loved how Erza realized he needed to change and began to go by his own name again. He really realized what he had to fight for and wasn't going to lose them.

I loved all the information that began to be pieced together and how everything began to make sense yet there were a few things that left me with a little unease. One was that it was obvious a certain individual didn't like Solo with no reason why which made me wonder if that's where a leak was. 

When everything exploded I knew something was coming but I loved how Solo was still trying to protect everyone else.

The end was awesome and I'm glad where Solo and Beck are headed!! 

4.5 Stars 

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